I will check into the availability of 55 gallon steel barrels. I know the MWB's used a few so they must know where some are. The tarp for the evap pond is cheap, I'll grab one my next trip to the depot.
I have a couple ideas with things to do for a camp sign - mainly doing some sort of shadow box with a couple cathodes inside - but I dunno how to make it artistic. Jys, would you sketch out a few designs so I can visualize wtf to do? I'm not a fan of having raw el-wire exposed on surfaces, it looks too 'krinkliey.' I'm thinking similar to the LTC studios sign we had rocking - just with cathodes and plywood and some artistic spraypaint.
Mark has one cooler. Bicho has/had two. I may purchase one for adequate beer storage, or may look into securing one through other sources. It depends, I'm not planning on bringing much food.
I have four 6 gallon water jugs, the green sort. I need to wash them out as they've aquired a queer taste about them. Last year I used them as 'emergency water' for when my gallon jugs ran dry. I'm thinking about doing the same this year, bringing maybe 2 for myself for the shower and any misc water needs I may have. I AM bringing bottled jugs of water as they kick untold amounts of ass. Maybe the fancy square and stackable kind for ease of package. Having semi-disposable 1 gallon containers out there never got old. Doing so means I never had to worry about contaminating a full day's water to get some delicious tang for my wodka.
Water from winnemuca/battle mountain is definite. Hauling it even that far is almost a waste. Where was it purchased from? One of those water-supplys places, or just walmart?
One of my final camp-design issues I'm facing is the ability to put up a flag pole. I REALLY want a jolly roger/54 banner flying high. I've thought of things like a wooster (painting pole) messily taped and hose clamped to the top of one of the domes. I've also considered doing it like our neighbors last year. Ebay has collapsible aluminum 'winsock' poles for ~ 50 bucks but if anyone has a cheaper idea I'm all for it.
Thursday, July 5, 2007
Assets - Kunt.
water jugs
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Can't read the post as I'm commenting for some reason. Hurm. We got H20 from a grocery store in Winnemuca last time, they had PLENTY of H20 stocked up for the burners, and since we were so early on in the week we could have bought hundreds of gallons.
As for the sign, we could do something very similar to what we did with the Long Tailed Cat sign-- although we'd need a jigsaw in order the cut the wood. I think I still have the glass pieces that went behind the sign at Vicki's house. However, 1 ft glass squares are pretty cheap and can be fairly easily cut to size. Will do some drawings and scan them in.
As for a flag pole-- the more I think about it, the less good my ideas are. I saw a couple cute banner pictures-- will try to find and post them.
I wasn't actually thinking about putting glass or some sort of laminent behind it, but that's a good idea. I was thinking about just having coloured lights inside and that providing the ambiance - but I guess during the day it'd be a little bland. Maybe some cheap, clear plastic crap?
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