Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Circus Freaks

I like these peoples samuri banners and funny circus mustache. Nothing new to report.

Also, this site has a pretty thorough guide and list and makes for interesting reading.

Just watched the Malcom in the Middle goes to Burning Man episode, which can be found here. One thing that really bothered me was that Malcom steps on a cactus (there is no plant life on the playa) and the little kid gathers rocks (there are no rocks on the playa). Also there was no dust, and the man was weeny. It's sorta cute though.

Been reading the BM websites enviornment blog and they had this clever tip for managing stinky trash...
Place kitchen scraps in an old onion bag, one that lets air flow through, and hang it in the sun. Your actual trash, the stuff that can’t be recycled, will be cleaner and dryer. Your food scraps will dehydrate instead of rot. No smell. Now you can carry them home to be composted.

Also note... I am considering putting a rideshare out to see if somebody in our area needs a ride. Obviously they would be contributing to our gas and would save everyone a spot of money. We've got 7 people going and can probably fit one more person in the van. Thoughts about this? Yeah or nays?

Another thing we need-- a cheap boombox/stereo system. Everybody look in your basements to check if there are any lying around. Remember: anything you bring out there will be playa-fied. So don't bring anything too nice.


harry said...

Boombox! the bigger the better - we need to be able to at least rock some NIN part of the time. Everyone out there likes oontzy shit too much.

bicho said...

I have a cheap boombox: http://www.toysrus.com/sm-sport-cd-boombox-with-am-fm-digital-display--pi-2612861.html

It's a bit crap so I don't really care what happens to it but I wish it played mp3 cds.

Oontzy shit!

kushet said...

Unce unce unce unce unce tsch unce tsch unce tsch fap unce tsch fap - LET THE MUSIC ROCK YOU - BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM UNCE TSCH BOOM FAP UNCE TSCH BOOM FAP UNCE TSCH BOOM FAP UNCE TSCH BOOM FAP


Andrew said...

+2 points to Bicho for having a Toys'R'Us boombox.

+20 points to John for successfully emulating techno in written form.