Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Interfuse Effigy Fire

Two Whom it May Concern:
Zay mentioned wanting to build our flame effect into the television remote. It's fairly bulky - consists of a 3.5' tall cylinder on an Alice pack frame and has a 3' "business end." The business end can be modified down significantly to fit in any package, but the 3.5' tall cylinder must remain upright for it to function. When laying on its side it'll throw an impressive mist of flame but it's nothing in comparison to upright with liquid fuel (and has a small chance of getting air + flame + fuel back into the pressure vessel - the check valve isn't made to work well on its side).

The range is realistically between 30 and 15 feet - it dwindles slightly as the pressure runs out. On a full tank it'll have about half a minute of sustained fire or about a minute of burst sprays (these are pretty!) The ambient heat from a sustained blast has melted fireproof gloves, zip ties and warped a brazing mask - it's hot but not too hot to stand near for a few seconds. (Feels like sunburn.)

I picture us setting off the effigy in a massive display of pyrotechnics and fireworks - shortly afterwards (when the explodie bits are "done") a fully firesuited figure wades in and begins "cleansing the effigy with purging flames." This is open to interpretation as it's a pipe dream. Whaddya think?

RE: [MWBEffigy] [Ignition] Ignition via flamethrower!

Several phrases come to mind, most of them consisting of two words. They are as follows:

Fuck yes.

Hell yeah.

Kick ass.

Fuckin A.

There are probably more. But that’s what I’m thinking at this exact moment.



Bob said...

the obligatory picture at the start of every post amuses me

harry said...

I get as NSFW as possible!