Monday, August 13, 2007

The Official 54th post on Camp 54.

Bicho's lovely pirate bar. I will also be making pink/black/red 54 banners with little pink skull and crossbones. Also, I think we should consider making this the entrance to our dome-home area.

Op. also, we need a trashcan or something.

Also, acquired yesterday... the wonderful... the glorious... the unfortunately terribly photographed "camp kitchen". It even has a sink feature and a place to hang H20 for watery goodness. And it folds into a handy box.

Not only an eclipse, but a meteor shower!!
Meteor Shower: Aurigids
Late Friday night-Early Sat morning Aug 31- Sep. 1:
Aurigids, a rare and spectacular meteor shower will be peaking at 4:36 a.m. in the east- north eastern skies. Visible from Nevada. It will last about 1.5 hours. Best to watch between 4 and 5 am, with up to 160 Aurigids meteors per hour.
This very rare shower will occur again on 1 September 2007. A brief shower of tens of meteors will radiate from the constellation of Auriga, many as bright as the brighter stars in the sky. The Earth will be in the thick of it during the one hour centered on 04:36 a.m. PDT. The
shower will be visible by the naked eye from locations in the western United States.
Best viewing: Keep Moon out of field of view (best to block behind obstruction such as telephone pole, then watch whole sky), avoid city haze that scatters moonlight Best direction: East and Northeast Best time: Start one hour before peak, then see the rate of meteors increase and decrease while Earth travels through the shower.

One of the noobs needs to buy some cheap-o walkie-talkies. For the ride out.

Our trailer is reserved, courtesy of Mark.


harry said...

Hear hear! Merry 54th, and I agree that it should be the entrance. I was thinking something like replacing the dome tunnle with the bar!

harry said...

Op, also with the sink, remember to get a spritz bottle. I'm going to try the 'spritz + dry then wipe with a paper towel' approach to cleanup.

Of course this references only shit that isn't cooked on a stick or sword.

Jyesika said...

Yeah, it's also got a drain and drain spout, so I figure I'll bring a bucket to drain into. I like your way of cleaning things-- with the spritz bottle-- but it may come in handy and is already attached.

harry said...

Awesome meteors!

bicho said...

i have 2 motorola walkie talkies that are pretty decent.