Saturday, June 16, 2007

woooo! addemendum.

First order of business:
We're registered for 11-14 people so we get a little extra dust room which will probably be absorbed by neighbors. I'm the contact person but they somehow didn't register me on the jackrabbit speaks. So I don't know who our placer is yet but they never have that info before late july.

Bicho and I are responsible for the flame effects: our third contact is Bob. When we both die in a horrible ball of fire, bob it is your responsibility to make excuses as to why we were doing what caused said horrible ball of fire as well as clean up our ashes.

As far as travel goes, lets see what Fib figures out with that 6 person van. Tight quarters won't be an issue as long as nobody creates unneeded drama, so be prepared to bring headphones to ignore someone getting on your nerves. I am expecting to drop about 500$ on gasoline and travel expenses.

Further expenses we need to discuss. I believe Jys and Bob are grabbing materials for another dome - that means we have two nice ones. We NEED a shower of some sort. I don't want to be on my knees taking a fucking shower, but my equipment budget is blown entirely on getting us solar power, lights and music. I don't care if it's covered or not, but I'm going to require that we have grey-water evap pond (black tarp & 2x4s) and that it stands over 6 feet from the shower nossel. Somebody else should pony up to this. Bob and Jys already grabbed the TRUCK for gods sake. I'm thinking that some of you playa-nubs should buy what we point at, who's up for that?


kushet said...

If can you so kindly point and demand what needs to be purchased for this, I can probably pick it up.