Monday, February 25, 2008


From Marianne (she is not attending this year due to a bad case of a "groin goblin ontogenesis"):
Ask the guys (ie, YOU) if there's any interest in working up a cart for this year. If you guys want to, come and pick it up. (Fly out, drive back?) If you guys want, I'd be willing to sell it to you for $750.

Bicho? Anyone? Bueler? we could build a pimpin sound system onto THIS and add a flame thrower!


Jyesika said...

ooooooh! I want a mini pirate ship!
It'd be soo soo soo cute!!!

Bob said...

I don't want to appear to be slapping anything in the face, I just really don't know how much used golf carts go for, I know my Kenny my old boss had a couple of really kick ass ones and he is a cheap fucker.... so I was just thinking we should look into pricing on local ones. 750 sounds like a beat face price, but may as well be sure before we go through the effort of getting one non locally

harry said...

go make sure!

Jyesika said...

i agree with the local pricing, i read craigslist daily and will holla if i see one. however, scott, the boss, said 750 is a good price. Not to mention the gas to pick it up and bring it here.