"Posted by: "General Loofah" tomcgabel@yahoo.com tomcgabel
Thu Feb 28, 2008 8:38 am (PST)
The BOOK BURNING(tm) is not supposed to be a positive experience. Its sponsored by the HATE DOME(tm) for Christs sakes! We're burning books because we're assholes.
If you want to have a happy hippy, burning soiled books burn, go right ahead. I don't care. hell, I might go out and buy some perfectly good hard covers to burn. Spend about $100 on four books to burn just to be a dick."
^-- awesome
Friday, February 29, 2008
General Loofah
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Note to self: pirate songs
I still think of good pirate/fire related songs on the way to/from work and promptly forget them upon my arrival. However, I've been relistening to all the Bowie on Bob's ipod lately (and there's alot) only to rediscover his "I'm Afraid of America" song(s). There are 5 versions at least on Bob's ipod. This would be theme appropriate terrorist happy hour/pirate golf cart music.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Pirate Ship, Driving Out there...
Oh how I would love an art car. The above is a very abbreviated version of what I think would be a hilarious golf cart art car. We could go take attack other, larger pirate ships and shoot at them with the flame thrower.
I don't know if Shana or Bicho ever read my comments many blogs ago about traveling out there. But I'm going to repeat them incase you use an RSS reader or something.
"I agree, we obviously will need somebody to drive something out and back in order to have domes and stuff... but if we split the driving b/t 4 people that would be good for every bodies tired level. I for one would want to drive there, and would want to stop off at the house of Bicho/Shana on the way there. Provided they are there of course... it'd make a good break.
However, another thought just occured to me, what if we brought out everything long term to Colorado (Domes, plywood furniture) prior to the trip... if Shana and Bicho want to drive anyway. I want to go skiing and visiting before then anyway and taking it out in trips would be far less stressful. this would mean we could fly out and back... which would be so absolutely awesome.
This depends on the Blythe's storage space at their new home (do you have a garage that can store the domes etc?) and their willingness to drag the domes out there. Obviously we all benefit from our glorious dome structures, but I wouldn't want to impose on their time off either.
So, how do you feel about that Bicho/Shana? And everyone else?
Oh, also, I'm volunteering to make everyone terrorist costumes... b/c i think it would be fabulous fun and well suited to the theme. It'd be hilarious to have a terrorist bar day. For the ladies I was going to pone Blythe's excellent idea of a full burka. I think it's appropriate desert ware. And for the boys something similar to Bob's Halloween costume. And a little Fremen."
"Obviously, if the bicho/shana drive out with trailer were to happen, we'd all put in the the cost of the gas and trailer. Just wanted to clarify. And this time we should collect the $ before we go out there, so we don't end up with all those unnecessary computations at the end, and so nobody has to carry the balance."
From Marianne (she is not attending this year due to a bad case of a "groin goblin ontogenesis"):
Ask the guys (ie, YOU) if there's any interest in working up a cart for this year. If you guys want to, come and pick it up. (Fly out, drive back?) If you guys want, I'd be willing to sell it to you for $750.
Bicho? Anyone? Bueler? we could build a pimpin sound system onto THIS and add a flame thrower!
Friday, February 22, 2008
Huh, tell me what you think of this?
"Hi, all!
Actually, Snowflake is looking to recruit a couple more interesting midwest
camps for 2008. We can actually go up another 120 or so in population before
it starts to affect our placement.
No Village fees, it's more a confederation. Though we might ask you to bring
a few strands of LED lights for our common frontage.
Mellow place, low drama, good Midwestern peeps. This will be our ninth year.
We can put you next to whoever you want to be next to.
We can give you the amount of frontage space you need for your
interactivity, and the amount of camping space you need behind it for your
population. We can jiggle and tweak the camping spaces almost up to the last
minute, so everyone in the Village gets a fair shake--about 250-300 square
feet camping space per person historically. We can absorb a last-minute
population change or a new exhibit and sort of "even it out" across the
whole Village, whereas if you had your own assigned spot those twenty extra
people and cars and display might not fit.
Tentative lineup for Snowflake 2008--
Spray Dogs
Clevian Circularity
Burning MENsa
Bear Liberation Front
Plus the several more we still want to recruit.
We have had camps stay with us a few years then move on to bigger things,
like Ubercarney (Detroit) or Entheon Village (Chicago). Others have been
with us from the first. Fine either way. We are an incubator. The main point
is, we typically get far better placement on the Esplanade by banding
together than any of us could get on our own, and BM already knows our name
from days of yore as a trouble-free Village. Possibly the second-oldest
Village now. Not that we have huge, iconic displays 100 feet tall, but our
many smaller, interactive environments together make up a cool place where
you could spend all night in Snowflake village. Get a drink--go to Playa
speed dating--take your date to a movie at Videogasm--Have your t-shirt
artified--have a massage at Bedlam--wander through the sensory maze.... etc.
Plus the amazing things the new camps will doubtless bring to the
We'd be very happy to have new Midwest camps join our confederation this
year. Just now setting up our formal signup page, but the first step is
always to contact the coordinator with the basic idea : eric@clevian.com or
wisconsin@burningman.com to make sure we can fit you in. We generally do not
do large-scale sound or get placement near large-scale sound, since most of
our camps are more interactive, one-on-one kind of places where you actually
talk and interact with people. (Imagine that!) Plus, we like to sleep at
night. :)
If this suits you, give us a holler.
& thanks for the good word Zay!
Eric Griswold
Coordinator, Snowflake Village"
Thursday, February 21, 2008
I'm electing myself CAPTAIN for the purpose of coordinating a Village with others. The amount of involvement will be reported back here for opinions. If anyone bitches they'll walk a metaphorical plank in my mind and shoulder responsibility next year.
I have swords. You will receive alcohol for your cooperation.
End Transmission.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Theme Camp at Interfuse that I can happily get behind:
"A lot of art was planned, as well as events like the LAN Party Bus (fill a short bus with computers, hang JBL speakers on the back, drop a screen from the roof, and hold outdoor gaming LAN parties)."